Saturday, 6 February 2016

Bread and Butter Pudding

Could this possibly the ultimate comfort food? It certainly felt like a treat to me since adapting a low-carb & low-sugar lifestyle!!

  • 25g soft or spreadable butter
  • 1/2 loaf of bread
  • 50g sultanas, raisins or other dried fruit
  • 2 tsp cinnamon 
  • 350ml milk 
  • 50ml double cream 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 25g caster sugar
  • nutmeg - shake to taste 
****preheat oven to  180degs

It's best to use older bread. As I keep my bread in the freezer to keep it from going stale, I had to remember to leave a loaf out for 24 hours! 

Use grease proof paper to butter the dish. We had to make two puddings so as well as doubling the ingredients, we had two dishes to prepare. 

Butter all the bread and cut into quarters. This was the first time the Zebra was allowed to use a butter knife and she had great fun.

Use a third of the bread to make the bottom layer, sprinkle on a third of the fruit and then shake on some nutmeg. Repeat twice until all ingredients are used and the dish is filled.

Asd the milk and cream to a pan and stir until it's really hot, but do not let it boil!

Whisk together the cinnamon, eggs and 3/4's of the sugar. When the milk & cream is ready, stir it in slowly.

Pour the mixture over the layered bread and then top with the remaining sugar. Leave for at least half an hour to set before you pop it in the oven for 30 minutes.

So tasty and warming - Total stodge but extra yummy!

Xin Nian Kuai Le!

Happy new year - Chinese new year that is!
Today begins the year of the fire monkey and to respect the Spring Festival we have created an oriental cherry blossom tree.

Other than the usual materials, you will need an empty plastic bottle - the smaller the better!

I used pink, purple and white paint to give a variety of colours, and spread it thinly onto a plate so the picture didn't get lagged!

This is the tricky bit! Using a black marker draw a tree onto card. I drew lots of wiggly lines heading up and out, then made them thicker to look like branches.

Then it's over to the Zebra! Dip the bottom of the bottle into the paint and then stamp all acros the tree to give it the blossoms. She really enjoyed making the pink prints all over the page, in fact she was so engrossed there wasn't a single bit of paint on her toes!!

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