Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Christmas Painting

I realised today that we hadn't done any painting in a long time, so this afternoon we had a bit of free-play with the paints. 
Before the Zebra had even put brush to paper, she started to paint her feet!!
This was followed by lots of stomping on the paper. Clearly her foot-painting at nursery had left a favourable impression...
We had to have a quick break from painting so the Zebra could feed her fish! 
With toes totally covered, it was time to move onto hands...
She had great fun just letting loose with all the paints and brushes 
Once I had put the prints up to dry, I realised they would make great wrapping paper for presents! 
I glued one sheet of paper around a toilet roll tube, then pinched in the ends to make a gift box for a little pressie!
Some of the better footprints got turned into Christmas trees...
...adding a bow turned these into mistletoes!