
Saturday 28 November 2015

Blueberry muffins

Today we are attempting blueberry muffins! Here is another another yummy recipe from BBC Food this time by the lovely Paul Hollywood. 
For the recipe you will need:
- 110g plain flour 
- 110g butter 
- 65g caster sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1½ tsp baking powder 
- 125g blueberries
- pinch nutmeg 
****preheat oven to 200****
It was only when measuring out the ingredients I realised I didn't have enough real butter, so we had to use spread instead. It's easier to mix but doesn't give the same end taste.
Add the caster sugar and nutmeg to the butter and give a good mix.
Pour in the eggs and beat well until the mixture is smooth.
Fold in the flour and baking powder until you get a good consistency.
Add the blueberries into the bowl. More than one generally works best.
Or you can just eat as many as possible until mummy takes them away!
Spoon the mixture into cases in a muffin tin
And don't forget to lick the bowl clean!
Pop in the oven for 20 minutes.
The Zebra was very pleased with her blueberry muffins, but she wasn't pleased they took so long to cool down!